Tuesday, May 12, 2020

5 Pink Things I've Been Loving / SPRING FAVOURITES

To make the boys wink. Here are some of the things I've been loving this week. A variety of pink to wear, drink and shop this spring.

1) Zara Sandals
As soon as the spring collection arrives in Zara I always buy a new pair of shoes or three! They do the best designer dupes, are affordable and chic. I've always been obsessed with shoes since I was little. I would wear my new shoes as soon as I woke up in the mornings with my pyjamas still on, around the house and I can say 20 years on in lockdown, I'm very tempted to do the same!

2) Beetroot Latte

1flat tsp Beetroot Powder
Pinch of ground ginger
2 tsp natural sweetener of your choice (maple syrup or agave)
Cup of almond milk (milk of choice)
Pinch of cinnamon (optional)

1. Add beetroot powder and ginger to a mug
2. Pour a small amount of hot water over the powder and whisk until it forms a thick paste
3. Add your sweetener
4. Pour in your hot milk (use a frother if you have one)
5. Serve and enjoy

I also applaud those who can do latte art... still practicing.

3) Pink Grapefruit Juice

Benefits of Grapefruit =
Promotes radiant skin, boosts immune system, fights allergies, improves metabolism, high in antioxidants, helps prevent gum disease and heart disease, and many more amazing things.

-I mixed the juice of half a grapefruit with juice of half an orange and a cup of coconut water with ice for a super healthy, hydrating summer drink. Divine.

4) Blusher
I've been obsessed with blusher lately. It adds a flush of colour to your face, making you look young and healthy. I feel it helps add definition to your makeup, instead of just being covered in bronzer and it contributes to achieving that sun kissed look. These two products together are dreamy. They also come in more peach/golden tones which I'm dying to try too for a different makeup look.

5) Cool Mist Diffuser

Technically this isn't pink but I just had to post about it. I've bought A LOT on amazon over the past 8 weeks but this is hands down my favourite purchase. Chilled, stress free vibes only when this little device is around. This cool mist diffuser has changed my lockdown life. Choose from a rainbow of light effects to suit your mood and 3 timer settings. Add in 2-3 drops of your favourite essential oil to the measured amount of cold water and diffuse around the room, filling the air with a beautiful aroma. I bought this because I had been struggling with allergies, hay fever and blocked sinuses. I'm not someone to go to the doctors unless I really have to, so I did a lot of googling into  how I could help myself.
 Each essential oil has its own properties and benefits:

Peppermint -  minty, fresh, promotes respiratory and digestive health
Orange - sweet, cleansing, supports immune system
Lavender - soft, calming, reduces stress
Neroli - honeyed, floral, reduces anxiety, insomnia, colds
Tea Tree - fresh, minty, anti fungal, anti bacterial
Eucalyptus - minty, honey, nasal congestion, asthma 
Rose - floral, sweet, soothing, sensual 


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